Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Familien- und regionalgeschichtliche Forschung (ÖFR)
Web: https://oefr.at/ (See: Introduction in English)
Subscribe to the blog and/or use the contact form.
Membership € 24 per calendar year (per 2018)
Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "ADLER"
Universitaetsstrasse 6 / 9b
P.O. Box 220 A-1096 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-409 2578
Fax: +43-1-877 5493
E-mail: office@adler-wien.at
Internet: www.adler-wien.at (German) or www.adler-wien.eu (English)
The society was founded in 1870 and maintains an excellent library.
Membership fee: EURO 60,-- per year (as per 2014)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Geschichte
Member of the highly respected Association Scientific Societies of Austria (VWGÖ)
Web: www.familia-austria.at and (WIKI) www.familia-austria.net
The membership fee per 2014 is EUR 40,-- per year.
GenTeam is a loose organization of genealogists or historians who produce databases on their own or as a part of a group, and who offer these databases to all researcher without any fee.
GenTeam is a non-commercial organization but it is associated with Ing. Felix Gundacker.
The following is a translated example of a GenTeam newsletter (in German) that is sent to registered users:
Some useful Facebook groups:
Some Facebook pages:
Ms. Ingeborg Höferl
Max Jellinekgasse 1/10/13
A-1210 Wien
Phone/Fax: +43-1-25-64-745
Kent Stuetz kentstuetz@austrianfamilyhistory.org
Pantzergasse 30/8
A-1190 Vienna
Tel: +43 676 40 11 059
e-mail: office@ihff.at
Web: www.ihff.at
Georg-Coch-Platz 3/Top 9B
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 513 96 46
Fax: +43 1 513 96 46 - 50
E-Mail: office@historiker.at
Web: www.historiker.at
Historikerkanzlei was founded in 2004 by four historians in cooperation with a university professor for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and has been concerned with global genealogic-historic research from the beginning.
The service package includes among others:
Hans Pawlik jr.
Rosentaler Straße Nr. 4
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Fax: +43-463-512405
Phone: +43-463-318534
e-mail: austria@genealogy.at
Web: www.genealogy.at